(Sorry my bad english) Introduction: For almost 2 years I worked free for Tastyspleen. I was deceived by Quadz. Quadz told me he enjoyed my work (referring to my overrides, my incessant search for cool maps on the net, my idea of converting maps from other mods to xatrix or DM and my idea of create movies atmosphere in maps using sounds and effects).
At first, many players complained and did not accept the idea of download "huge" sounds (necessary sounds for the atmosphere that I gave to the maps). Finally and almost two years later, people began to visit "Xraxy" the server that Quadz "gave" like a "gift" according to his lies. So many players started to play regularly on xrazy, seduced by my overrides and new ideas.
I remember... I thought, "Finally my idea succeeds!", "I knew this would happen!". I saw my dream come true, after long nights, days and weeks looking for maps and editing sounds. I edited and created sounds, I also edited the maps from the overrides fixing doors and other things making those maps work in the xatrix mod, or DM.
Seeing that my maps were successful Quadz, who sought to renew Tastyspleen because his e-community was dying, took my server, and took all my work.
Over the years I worked making maps and overrides for Tastyspleen I gained many enemies for two reasons: 1) being a woman and not a bitch. 2) For envy and jealousy of others who made overrides without common sense or sense of aesthetics or the gameplay.
These people, mostly "Debbie" (a person who never plays and is always as "spectator"), Dervish, a failed map maker (his work is very bad), Exterminander, an asshole person who makes bad overrides and others (Like Fader Jork), devoted to insult me every day, every hour and every second for 1 year and 6 months. They insulted me without reason: "whore" "slut" "whore" "shemale" etc. And they also spoke bullshit about my maps or overrides all day, during the game and in Tastyspleen Forums.
And guess to who gave Quadz all my work? YES You guess it! To them. To those who insulted me forever.
How was the treachery of Quadz?
He cornered me. He said, "Hey, they want to use your overrides in a new server"
"wtf... why they want to use my overrides?" I asked. "They always said that my work was crap and I was always criticized and tortured for a year. No! I said.
Quadz insisted asserting the burden of being the owner of Tastyspleen.
Quadz, knowing about my effort and enthusiasm to create each override, began to pressuring me.
You must know that I got movies with 256 kbps of internet speed. Entire days to download videos or movies just looking for a sound. The sound I was looking for a particular event in each override. I put much effort and love in each of my works.
Quadz knew it that. So he said: If you don't want to let them use your work then they are free to create their own overrides over your maps, those that you searched for months, and they also can use your sounds.
I felt insulted and used. I felt terrible. All this in conjunction with the bad health of my father.
Before seeing my work ruined I agreed to allow them to use my overrides in the new server named xtra. Xrazy my old server died, along with all my dreams.
At first I thought I could handle it. But ... was not like that.
It happens that all my maps correspond to a sequence. Like chapters of a movie. Are sorted as if responding to an argument. You have for example: Resident Evil Atmosphere, has many chapters. I created overrides for different maps. All these maps were a story in chapters. An the same with my Far West's atmosphere maps or The Mist maps (Stephen King).
These people who Quadz benefited with my job started a new server using my overrides randomly, destroying everything I had thought.
Then when I reacted I wrote to Quadz an email calling him a traitor. Mi father was died almost at the same time. So I was not fine anyway. Quadz also knew that.
"You knew that I hoped the success of my project!" I said to Quadz. "Why you did this to me?", "I can't handle it! This is very unfair. You used me".
Period followed, Quadz, who facing my complaints about being insulted always replied: "ignore them", decided ban me. Just because I called him a traitor... Traitor! I was called slut, whore, shit head... scat lover, bitch... and I was recieved jokes about my father loss. Every time someone insults me or disrespect me rudely, Quadz had said it was my fault. That was the result of my actions ¿? What actions? To create 140 overrides and 2 maps for Tastyspleen without bothering people?. Quadz always said I should not defended myself. That I should let them insulting me. And besides he called me a Troll one day! ¿?
Finally and for not face his own cowardice and insecurity Quadz baned me completely in Tastyspleen, including the domain. I have the same question that Focalor for Quadz: Where ARE YOUR FUCKING BALLS MAN?
Believing that I could not read anything because the ban, Quadz published a post using an old e-mail with insults, using the mail as a justification for my ban. Quadz never imagined that I would use a proxy to access the forum and discover his lie.
This is Quadz, or Dizzy, and Pantaloons. He believed his secrets was safe with me, because he thought I would never read the forum (because the ban.) Quadz is an arrogant person. Ungrateful and liar. Is a FUCKING traitor who uses people. And this is the real story.
Fuck you QUADZ owner of TASTYSPLEEN.NET. You need to publicly acknowledge YOUR chronic stupidity and you must request apologizes to me for YOUR behavior and YOUR ACTIONS. It is the only way I'll forgive you.
Overrides List 145
sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010
Spawn Girl licensed Overrides

1 comentarios:
I retract, I will never forgive you Quadz. I will work to see you suffering.
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